Development Strategy and Feasibility Study of Income Generation Projects in Machakhela National Parks
Commissioned by UNDP, the Goal of the project was to identify potential income generation projects for Machakhela National Park and prepare technical and economic feasibility analysis regarding the selected projects, evaluate the risks associated with the implementation of the projects in terms of their impact on environment and biodiversity and provide relevant risk mitigation strategy. Except that, the impact assessment of new road to Chakvistavi village on Mtirala National Park was included as the part of the project. The main purpose of the impact assessment was to identify actions to maximize benefits for the NP and mitigate potential negative impacts caused by increased number of visitors due to improved access.
Enhance Organizational Efficiency through Business Process Optimization
Promotion of Biomass Production and Utilization in Georgia
Organizational Strategy Development and Organizational Structure Improvement
Development of Product and Service Strategy and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Development of Key Performance Indicators
Establishment of Effective Management System of Business Processes