Final Evaluation of the project “Municipal Service Quality Assessment Toolkit (MUSQAT)”
In the frames of the program the Centre for Training and Consultancy (CTC) and in partnership with Media Center Kakheti (MCK), PMO conducted the Final Evaluation of the project “Municipal Service Quality Assessment Toolkit (MUSQAT)”. The main objective of this assignment was to assess the overall achievement of the project and quality of implementation as well as the overall impact of the project on its stakeholders against the project log-frame indicators, baseline report, and monitoring data. PMO’s team worked with all project partners to document the project progress based on the outcomes with clearly indicative measurements and result-oriented methodology. Consultants also assessed the achievements of declared targets based on the log-frame indicators. To achieve the main goals of the project, our consultants used mixed research methodology and combined evaluation tools based on international standards and guidelines. To evaluate MUSQAT Project we used both Desk research, which included a review of project documents. The project also included qualitative components such as workshops, focus groups, and open or semi-guided interviews with project staff, beneficiaries, and stakeholders. Based on the activities carried out, our team evaluated the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the project and developed recommendations that will help the organization to plan and implement similar projects more effectively in the future.
Enhance Organizational Efficiency through Business Process Optimization
Promotion of Biomass Production and Utilization in Georgia
Organizational Strategy Development and Organizational Structure Improvement
Development of Product and Service Strategy and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Development of Key Performance Indicators
Establishment of Effective Management System of Business Processes