Georgian Soft Drinks and Beer Market Analysis
The project aimed at analyzing the Georgian soft drinks and beer market, making a comprehensive analysis of market volume and value, local production, export and import patterns, market drivers, sales distribution and seasonality for each of the soft drinks and beer products (ice tea, cola drinks, lemonade and juices). PMO also analyzed the company by assessing its entry strategy for new product lines and current position together with main market players and share of each player in the market. After an analysis of the current situation, PMO has done a market prognosis for the next five years, taking into account future market drivers and growth trends.
Zedazeni is the third beer & beverages factory created by JCS Georgian Beer Company and has more than 20 years of experience working in the beer & beverages industry in Georgia.
Enhance Organizational Efficiency through Business Process Optimization
Promotion of Biomass Production and Utilization in Georgia
Organizational Strategy Development and Organizational Structure Improvement
Development of Product and Service Strategy and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Development of Key Performance Indicators
Establishment of Effective Management System of Business Processes