Organizational Diagnostics and Strategy Development
PMO has done market study and organizational diagnostics in order to identify the main challenges and problems of the company. The diagnostic process included existing market analysis and growth potential, as well as the organization’s internal analysis. PMO identified and mapped key business processes of the company, identified key risks and problems in the process flow and optimized them. PMO also developed company strategy and structure, together with action plans.
Badagi is a leading, fast growing Georgian firm producing traditional candy - Churchkhela. The company entered Georgian market 20 years ago, currently producing 6 000 Churchkhelas per day. Badagi is presented in several regions of Georgia, employing more than 100 people.
Enhance Organizational Efficiency through Business Process Optimization
Promotion of Biomass Production and Utilization in Georgia
Organizational Strategy Development and Organizational Structure Improvement
Development of Product and Service Strategy and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Development of Key Performance Indicators
Establishment of Effective Management System of Business Processes
Electronic Waste Recycling Plant Feasibility Analysis