Organizational Performance Improvement
The aim of this project was to define new strategic goals and conduct a complete rebranding of the company. PMO conducted comprehensive market research and analysis, reviewed the company’s existing corporate strategy and structure and inspected core business processes. Based on this PMO developed recommendations about potential market segments and cost optimization opportunities and offered a new marketing and sales strategy.
Medicore LTD is a healthcare institution delivering ambulatory services to corporate and private clients. Medicore was established in 2008 by a highly experienced management team, has 40,000 clients in its database and serves 30,000 visits yearly.
Enhance Organizational Efficiency through Business Process Optimization
Promotion of Biomass Production and Utilization in Georgia
Organizational Strategy Development and Organizational Structure Improvement
Development of Product and Service Strategy and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Development of Key Performance Indicators
Establishment of Effective Management System of Business Processes
Electronic Waste Recycling Plant Feasibility Analysis