Study to identify opportunities for commercialization of Scale-Appropriate Technologies for rural Small and medium-sized enterprises in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors
The purpose of the assignment was to conduct market research studies in financial services to identify scale-appropriate technology/ machinery options that have relevance, opportunity, and feasibility (ROF) for
rural SMEs in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors in rural Georgia.
Objectives of the assignments are the following:
• Identify best-bet scale-appropriate technology/ machinery options with latent demand in the rural agriculture and manufacturing sectors in terms of relevance, opportunity, and feasibility (ROF)
• Identify constraints for adoption by rural SMEs and suggest new operational models that can increase the uptake of scale-appropriate machinery by rural-based SMEs.
• Provide recommendations for interventions to support new technology/ machinery-leasing products, target market segments in various sectors, and how market players (leasing companies, machinery
suppliers) can engage to improve their marketing and promotional performance in rural markets.